Joey Joey is a La Mancha goat. He was born on November 1st. He is a small cutie pie with the best disposition. He is calm and gentle and would love to give you baby goat snuggles. If you are looking for a baby to relax with, Joey is your boy! Joey is sold. For now you can rent him and enjoy all of his love!
Marty Marty is a Nigerian Dwarf that we bought from a PA farm. He was born on January 20th. He is Murph's brother. Marty has beautiful blue eyes. He is now reserved for sale. But you can rent him and snuggle him for as long as you want on your rental!
Murph Murph is a Nigerian Dwarf that we bought from a PA farm. He was born on January 20th. He is named after Jay's best friend. He loves to run and jump and twist in the air. He's a little social butterfly. Murph is sold. You can rent him and enjoy his spunkiness until he goes to his forever home.
Twix Twix is a purebred Nigerian Dwarf that we bought from another farm. He was born on November 22nd. Twix is a tiny baby with a big heart. He loves to nibble on your clothes and give love bumps. Twix is already reserved to be sold. But you can rent him until he goes to his forever home.
Bert Bert is a Nigerian Dwarf Cross. We bought him from a local farm. He was born on November 14th. Bert is full of a lot of spunk and energy. He is available for purchase in summer. You can rent him and he is sure to give you lots of joy and laughs!
Silver Belle Silver Belle is a Pygmy Cross that we bought from another farm. She was born on November 15th. We call her "Belle" for short. She is one of our tiniest babies. She likes to run, jump and side kick in the air. Then she will cuddle in your lap and take a nap. Silver Belle is now sold. But you can rent her until she heads to her forever home.
Stubs Stubs is a Pygmy Cross that we bought from a local farm. He was born on November 20th. Stubs earned his name because he was very stubborn as a newborn. He refused to drink from the bottle at first. Now he loves to be scratched and get attention. Stubs is available for sale and can head to his forever home in summer. But for now you can love him and rent him.
Simba Simba is a pure bred Nigerian Dwarf that we bought from Kline's Klucks & Kids. He was born on January 8th. His twin sister is Nala. Our online fans on Facebook voted to name them. He looks like a baby deer! He is for sale but will not be ready to leave the farm until early summer. You can rent him and your neighbors will think there is a little deer in your yard!
Nala Nala is a pure bred Nigerian Dwarf that we bought from Kline's Klucks & Kids. She was born on January 8th. Her twin brother is Simba. Our online fans on Facebook voted to name them. Nala is going to be a permanent resident on our farm. You are now able to rent her and enjoy her sweet personality.
Joelle Joelle is a pure bred Nubian that we bought from another farm. She was born on January 14th. She is super sweet and loves to snuggle and lie in your lap. Joelle is for sale and will be available for her forever home in late spring. You can now rent her and enjoy her beautiful floppy ears!
Geddy Geddy is a pure bred Nubian that we bought from another farm. He was also born on January 14th. Geddy is still a little shy and still getting used to all of the love and attention that he receives on our farm. Geddy is for sale and will be ready for his forever home in late spring. Until then you can rent him and have the best time!
Charlie Charlie is a pure bred Nubian that we bought from another farm. He was born on January 13th. Charlie is an absolute sweetheart. He would make the best buddy to hang out with for the day. Charlie is for sale and will be ready for his forever home in late spring. Until then you can rent him and love on him.
Ivory Ivory is a Nigerian Dwarf/Boer cross. We saved him and his brother, Ebony, from an auction. He was born on January 20th. Ivory is a sweetheart and likes to be Ebony's shadow. These two brothers are inseparable. Ivory is for sale and will be ready for his forever home in late spring. Until then you can rent him.
Ebony Ebony is a Nigerian Dwarf/Boer cross. We saved him and his brother, Ivory, from an auction. He was born on January 20th. Ebony absolutely has to go anywhere his brother, Ivory, goes. They are attached at the hip! Ebony is for sale and will be ready for his forever home in late spring. Ebony & Ivory would be perfect to rent together!
Cupcake Cupcake is a Nigerian Dwarf cross. We got her from a local farm. She was born on February 1st. She received her name from Lauren's PM Kindergarten class. Cupcake is a beauty! She is for sale and will be ready for her forever home in summer. You can rent her and enjoy all of her sweetness!
Floppy Floppy is a Nigerian Dwarf cross. We got him from a local farm. He was born on February 2nd. He received his because of his floppy ears. Floppy is a fan favorite. He is very affectionate. He is for sale and will be ready for his forever home in summer. You can rent him and enjoy all of his love and affection.
Diesel Diesel is a pure bred Nigerian Dwarf. We got him from Kline's Klucks & Kids. He was born on January 29th. Diesel was named by one of our supporters and he is Hermie's brother. He is super friendly and will jump right into your lap. He is for sale and will be ready for his forever home in summer. You can rent him and give him lots of love.
Hermie Diesel is a pure bred Nigerian Dwarf. We got him/her from Kline's Klucks & Kids. He/she was born on January 29th and is Diesel's sibling. Hermie is a very special goat. He/she is a hermaphrodite. He/she will be a permanent resident on our farm. Hermie has a heart of gold and such an affectionate personality. Rent Hermie and feel the love!
Lexi Lexi is a pure bred Nigerian Dwarf. She was born here on the farm to Mama Dixie on February 7th. Lexi was named by one of our supporters. She is such a pretty girl. Lexi is inquisitve and likes to be scratched behind the ears. She is for sale and will be ready for her forever home in fall. You can rent her and enjoy her sweet nibbles
Pinky Pinky is a pure bred Nigerian Dwarf. He was born here on the farm to Mama Tanzee on February 4th. Lexi was named by one of our supporters in the Netherlands! He is absolutely gorgeous! Pinky likes to nibble on your clothers and be held. He may be staying on our farm permanently. You can rent him and enjoy his beautiful markings.
Stiletto Stiletto is a pure bred Nigerian Dwarf. She was born here on the farm to Mama Boots on February 3rd. Stiletto was named by one of our supporters. We had to keep the "shoe name theme". Stiletto is for sale and will be ready to go to her new home in fall. You can rent her and enjoy her cuteness and sweet personality.
Snookums Snookums is a pure bred Nigerian Dwarf. He was born here on the farm to Mama Kaia on February 3rd. Snookums was named by one of our supporters. He is such a pretty boy. Snookums is for sale and will be ready to go to his new home in fall. You can rent him and he will give you little love nibbles.
Adult goats Rent our adult goats to help you clear brush, poison ivy, leaves, weeds and grass from your property. Rent as many as you would like. Contact us and we can help you determine how many to rent as well as the time frame they would need to get the job done!